Welcome to Year 1 (1EB & 1JB)
Come and talk to us!
We will always try and answer any questions you have about your child’s progress or any questions/concerns you may have. We may ask you to come and see us before or after school as it is not always possible to speak to you when the children are all entering/exiting together. We hold Parent Meetings termly and encourage you to attend these so we can discuss your child together.
Drinks & Snacks
Please bring a bottle of water to school. It is important they stay hydrated throughout the day. Fruit is shared daily. Please do not bring in other foods. Sweets are not allowed.
PE/School Uniform
Please send your child to school in the correct uniform. PE kits should be brought to school on Wednesday & Friday.
School lunches
All children in Year 1 are entitled to a free school meal.
Research shows that homework has little impact on learning and progress for primary age pupils, unless it requires children to rehearse and practise. Our expectations reflect this. Your child will be busy learning at school so it is important they relax and spend time with their family when they come home. Family activities such as baking, cooking, playing games and talking to your child are just as important as some of the traditional homework tasks you might expect. Go for walks; visit the free museums and parks; play musical instruments; read or tell stories together. However, we do ask that you:
- read with your child every day. Complete your child’s reading record each time they read. Remember it doesn’t always have to be their school book. Reading records and reading books should be sent into school daily. Teachers will have a look at these to check regular reading is taking place at home.
- learn spelling patterns linked to Year Group expectations. These spellings are sent through ClassDojo and should be practised at home.
- practise counting and addition/subtractionin real life contexts.
Language Learning
If you are lucky to speak an additional language, please continue to use this in your home with your child. If your child is fluent in their home language, they are more likely to find learning English easier. Be proud of your home language!