Welcome to Ladybirds!
Nicky Hickling – Class Teacher
Donna McGhee, Kirtsy Price and Jonathan Schultz – Class Support
In Ladybird Class, the children have lots and lots of fun every day whilst learning. Every day they are busy exploring the different areas both in our classroom and in our large outdoor play area. Inside the classroom, children have many opportunities to be creative and express their ideas. They have access to paint, craft materials, malleable materials, small world, construction toys and role play. Outside, children can explore the sandpit, water, mud kitchen and large construction materials.
In Ladybird Class, we share and discuss stories as a whole class daily. This is a great opportunity for the children extend their language and learn new vocabulary, and learn about the world. We have a quiet and cosy reading area for the children to use to practise their reading, share a story with a friend or adult or use the puppets to create their own stories.
During our communication, language and literacy sessions, we look at the characters, setting and meaning of the stories we share, using story maps, descriptive language and role play to help us understand the story.
We have Read Write Inc phonics sessions every day in which learn our sounds so we can read and write. Children are given Read Write Inc reading and writing books to take home with them to practise their skills at home with their grown-ups.
Throughout the year we learn about lots of different exciting topics, focusing on the world around us, such as ourselves and our families, animals, plants, space, keeping safe and healthy, changing seasons and our local area. We also learn about many religious festivals.
We make sure to share any news and children’s learning with grown-ups on class dojo and tapestry.
Below is a list of items which children must have in school with them every day:
Water bottle filled with water
Change of clothes (top, bottoms, underwear, socks and jumper/cardigan)
A pair of wellies
School reading book and reading record
On Fridays children must bring PE kit (white t-shirt, black bottoms and trainers)